Thursday, August 4, 2011

July's Garden

This is a little late:) It's the first week in August and I still have yet to get a red tomato. By the end of July I am usually giving tomatoes away because I can't keep up with them. It has been a cooler summer than past summers. I have been harvesting pickling cucumbers,zucchini, basil, chives, I pulled all my onions except for a few. My peppers are growing nicely. I pulled my carrots last week and a friend came over and helped my can them. I am finally getting some green beans!!! We got 3 apricots off our tree. The prune tree will be ready in September. Is it winter yet?? HaHa


OurCrazyFarm said...

Love your garden fence! I managed to nearly kill our tomato plants by overfertilizing~ oops! So I'm waiting for tomatoes, too...

Candy C. said...

Love your garden! I went back through your older posts and saw the pictures from May and June, things are growing nicely! :)

Michelle said...

thanks, Teresa.
I know the other hospital in town does not have either policy. I was just there with all 4 of my kids visiting someone else a few weeks ago. I also have therapist friends there that said they have no policy on vaccines for employees. There are also many hospitals in Seattle that don't have such strict policies.
Yes, we are still on for tomorrow-I will have a better attitude, I promise!! :)

Debbie J said...

I hope that by now you have plenty of tomatoes. Ours are about done for the summer!

As for the quakes, it was probably once in a life time for us, so I wish I had realized what it was in time to remember what it was like.

Thanks for your comment.

Julia said...

Teresa, your garden is beautiful! Thanks for your comment on my FUN that we live so close! Maybe we will be lucky enough to meet up someday:).
