Well we finally got some chickens. Our good friend was nice enough to give us some of theirs. We have already gotten some eggs. We Plan on painting the house in the next couple of weeks as long as the weather stays warm enough.
In school news we have been touching on Egyptians, so we mummified the kids using toilet paper.

Today while #3 was sick in bed with a stomach bug, #2 and I spent the day in the kitchen. We made ginger bread cookies, which didn't turn out that well, good but not pretty:) And then #2 wanted to make something by herself. Pink and white merringes sandwiched together with cream in the middle. They turned out so cute and yummy to boot.

Here is the recipe:
To make about 15 white and 15 pink mini meringues, you will need:
2 lg eggs whites
1/2 c ultra-fine sugar(I used regular)
red food coloring
1/2 c heavy cream
2 cookie sheets sprayed with non-stick spray or lined with baking parchment
Preheat oven to 225
whisk egg whites with wisk or egg beater until they are really thick, they should form stiff points when you whisk them up. Add a heaped teaspoon of sugar at a time into the egg whites, and whisk it well. Repeat this until you have added all the sugar.
Scoop up a teaspoon of the meringue mixture. then use another teaspoon to push it off onto the cookie sheet. Make 15 meringues leaving gaps between them.
Then add 2 drops of the food coloring to the rest of the mixture. Gently fold in the food coloring until mixture is pink. Then make 15 more meringues.
Put them in the oven for 30-40 minutes. then turn off the oven, leaving the meringues inside for 15 minutes.
Take out of the oven and let cool on the baking sheets.
Meanwhile whisk the cream until quite thick. When cool, add a dolup to one of the meringues and top with the other color. needs to be eaten the same day:)enjoy. This recipe came out of Usborne's Fairy Cooking.