Thursday, August 5, 2010

Read Alouds

Wanted to know YOUR favorite read alouds to the kids. Any age will do! I am making my list for the year and needed some input. Thanks


ourcrazyfarm said...

We love all the Narnia books, Where the Red Fern Grows and The summer of the Monkeys, Black Beauty, Misty series, Little House on the Prairie, The Secret Garden, poems and nursery rhymes for the younger ones, Tiger Tom and other stories and The Kings Daughter are good short story books for boys and girls, The Wilderness Family is also a favorite, Little Black Sambo, etc., etc.... We are planning to focus primarily on the Bible again this year for our read aloud time as well. You are making me excited to get back into our school routine so we will start reading together again:))

Teresa said...

Thank you for the list Terri, can't wait to put some of these on hold at the library.