At first, we were supposed to have guests this weekend, but with their 3rd baby on the way they needed to get some things done before he got here. I miss our friends and hope to see them soon.Good thing they didn't come though, hubby ended up working most of the weekend. I, on the other hand took this opportunity to get ahead start on my summer cleaning. We cleaned, organized and decluttered: 2 bedrooms, 2 bookcases and the homeschool closet.
The kids and I also weeded the garden and replanted the watermelon and the cantalope. The garden is taking shape. We have planted cucumber, 21 tomato plants, all sorts of peppers, strawberries, garlic, corn, radishes, beets, onions, bush beans, watermelon, cantalope, jack be little pumpkins and Big Max pumpkins. oh, and 2 rows of raspberries.
Sorry the picture isn't the best, a morning shot is better by far, I'll try to get one soon. Hope all enjoyed their weekend. Can't wait until next weekend when I get to see my Sis and her family...which reminds me...I need to go clean some more:)